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Programme structure

Students are required to complete a minimum of 27 credit units for graduation.

  1. Required Courses (9 units):
    AIMS5701, AIMS5702, AIMS5703

  2. Core Elective Courses (6 units):
    Students should choose at least 2 courses from the following Core Elective list: AIMS5710, AIMS5720, AIMS5730, AIMS5740

  3. Elective Courses (12 units):
    • Theoretical Group
      AIST5020, CMSC5743, CSCl5030, CSCl5150, IERG5050, IERG5130, IERG5350, IERG5460

    • Applications Group
      CSCl5660, ELEG5600, ELEG5757, ELEG5762, ELEG5764, ELEG5766, FTEC5660, IERG5230, IERG5250, IERG5450, IERG5670, ROSE5760, SEEM5330

    • Data Analytics Group
      ENGG5103, ENGG5108, FTEC5580, IEMS5723, IEMS5730

    • Practicum and Projects Group
      AIMS5760, AIMS5761, AIMS5780, AIMS5790, AIMS5791